Зара - Walking Will

The reptiles escaped, who said `booh'?
was it me, but who then was I?
what made them fear?
it's dark and it's cold, and I feel so old
I'm going down
I'm going down to chase some reptiles

So autonomic
and you interupt my dream
you interrupt me
my old brainstem is talking
and you interrupt my dream
you interrupt me

The kites fly up high, I'm free, I run
but from heaven fall the bluebirds
they hit the ground
the sun warms my face, and I feel
it ain't the end for all the living,
it ain't no end for the living, no!

My intuition
and you interrupt my dream
you interrupt me
deep in here it is hidden
and you interrupt my dream
you interrupt me
you woke me up, I'm forgetting
and you interfere
you interrupt my dream
it's so autonomic...

'Bel canto' cover version
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