Вельвет - Gone Forever

Just tell me who you are and I'll tell you who I am.
When everything around is just a play-pretend
I'm gonna die today with no glance at the screen,
Where this movie will keep playing from beginning till the end

I'm spinning around, have we lost each other?
'Сouse something is hurting inside...
We’re gonna be rivals, no chance for survival.
Repeat it for one thousand times...

No pain, no illusion, no joy, just my weakness,
The world inside me turned from sunshine to bleakness.
Just me and my shadow are chained here together,
So I’m gone forever!

No breath left in me, just an asphyxiation...
So what? This is life: no more rules, no salvation.
Nobody’s a winner we’ve lost all together
So I’m gone forever!

Now tell me who you've been? Have I been at least once
Something more than just your doubt about a couple of thoughts?
So, when did you decide, to be markedly polite
Would be easier for you than simply pushing me aside

We're ready for battle, when nothing won’t matter
This time I am saying: goodbye...
I'll close it and hide it, but what else could I do?
Repeat it for one thousand times!

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