Игорёк - Chicago bulls

I like visit pearl and gold,
Strength and power, best and goods
Michael Jordan, all the boys -
Chicago bulls, Chicago bulls.
Through their campaign fight each other
Like a ball and walking tours.
This is real kind of magic -
What is it, Chicago bulls?
Sunday - I will go to the stadium
Waiting for the day and crazy night.
This is preface and intermedia
'Cause all my girlies -
The future fights' Chicago bulls.

Come on!
Chicago bulls.

Game of real man is playing basketball,
Coca Cola, popcorn and darling. Alright!
Stars girlie meano, glory of the fall
It is no thumping to forget Chicago bulls.

Girlies finish fans aloud, ... joy
Guys exciting, girls are dancing,
I am happy funny boy.
Spunking ain't no like confuse,
But got fool a lots of booze,
Have you like the music come
Chicago blues, Chicago blues...

I wanna go to Chicago...
I wanna go...
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